Legal Disclaimer

Preciosa Fruit Srl
with sole shareholder

Via del'Oro 12
I-39057 Appiano s.s.v. (Bolzano)

+39 0471 05 30 13

Tax No.: 02964760215
VAT No. - UID No.: IT 02964760215
SDI Code: A4RZ960

Concept, web design, programming and hosting
del Dott. Klaus Delueg

Via S. Albuino 7
I-39042 Bressanone (BZ)

+39 0472 518542

+39 0472 518542

Legal representative:

Nuria Torío, Preciosa Fruit Srl

Responsible editor:

Nuria Torío, Preciosa Fruit Srl


Preciosa Fruit Srl / Pixabay


Although we have carefully checked the content of this website, and the information provided on it, we offer no guarantee, and take no responsibility for its completeness and accuracy. We retain the right to update, amend, and add to the existing information, without prior warning.

Cross references und links

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Should parts of this text, or individual formulations within it, not be in accordance with, or fully in accordance with, the current legal requirements, whether now or in future, the rest of the document remains unaffected in its content and validity. No contract or rights result from the use of this website. Legal disputes will be taken to the court of law which has responsibility for.


Please read the data protection rules.

© 2009 – 2024 Preciosa Fruit Srl.